Saturday 14 September 2013

I've learned ... (#1)

I've learned ...
Life will always knock you down everyday ....
Life will be unfair to you ...
Life ... will reject you sometimes ...
Life ... will make you lose sometimes ...
But if you don't get up ... And start to fight
back for what you love .. what you want ..
And what you are dreaming about ...
You don't deserve it ....
Failure !! Doesn't mean losing or rejection ...
Failure is giving up !!
Sorry but I don't know this word in my dictionary ...

Thursday 30 May 2013

10 reasons why you must fail !!

During this post i will try  to convince why you have to fail ...

1.You fail so you could learn . No one would learn more than a failure because he remember what he has failed in.Then you have succeed to learn.

2.You fail to improve yourself.When you fail at something, you can say i am just not good enough.I will work more on myself.Then you have succeed to improve.

3.You fail to know the value of success and appreciate it.So when  you will be successful,you know it wasn't easy.But it is worth it.Then you have succeed to appreciate.

 4.You fail to be more stronger.Life is sometimes tough.Get used to it !! As it is said: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!".Then you have succeed to be strong.

5.You fail to learn that 'I' doesn't always work.Sometimes you have to fail to learn that you need others to be successful.I am not Perfect at everything.Then you have succeed to belong in a team.

6.You fail to learn to move on.The biggest mistake you'll make is to stand still while everybody is moving.You won't go anywhere if you stay in the same place.Then you have succeed to move on.

7.You fail to learn not to turn your head back or return.One of our biggest problem that we always remember failure and we always look back.And I learned something when I was walking on the street. If you are looking back,you will hit something.Then you have succeed to look forward.

8.You fail to learn to be patient.You have to wait to be successful.It takes time  to grow a plant.And sometimes it is hard.Then you have succeed to be patient.

9.You fail to learn not to blame everything/everyone that you failed.When sometimes we fail we refuse to say that we are the reason of failure.And we try to blame anything.You must accept the fact that you have failed but it won't last forever.Then you have succeed to accept.

10.You fail to be successful.Failure is just a state of mind.It isn't a real state.It is just a step.If you believed you are successful.You will be.No one can stop you.The real failure is the one who stops to try.And when you will be successful you've learn how to keep it. Then you have succeed to be successful.

Believe it or not you are on your of way of success .... when you fail!!

Friday 11 January 2013

21 Keys to Success:

While i was between lectures at college .. I wrote this article hope you like it :)

21 Keys to Success:
1-Do What you love and be good at it.
2-Think Differently
3-Beleive In Yourself.Believe you can make a difference.If you don't believe in yourself no one will believe in you.
4-You can do it.Why not ?
5-No one is born professional.
6-Every huge problem can be divided into small problems.So look to solve small ones.
7-Don't depend on someone to get to learn.You're the one who must search for information.
8-Simple Ideas always win.
9-Look always further.
10-Don't say no.Say it is a challenge.
11-Time management is a secret.Time is expensive.Don't wait and start now.
12-Always have a plan , a plan B and a plan C if needed.
13-Being Smart isn't Enough. Hard Work is needed.
14-Know Your abilities.
15-Know Your Goal.
16-Nothing you do is a waste of time.Try to learn from everything and everyone whoever he is.
17-You'll face Problems.Don't focus on the problem.Focus on how to solve it."Don't blame circumstances,deal with it".
18-Don't think everybody will believe in what you dream about.Trust your dream.And respect Others.
19-Always share ideas when you can.Two minds are better always than one.
20-Never Never Never Quit ......
21-Leave everything in hands of God .
